Dr. Ian Wilson of the University of Southern Queensland in Toowoomba, Australia has sent me a VERY interesting graph that supports the Svensmark account of solar influence on the earth's temperature. I gather that the graph comes from data in the following two references:
Hoyt, D. V.: Using the boundary conditions of sunspots as a technique for monitoring solar luminosity variations. In: K. H. Schatten & A. Arking, Hsg.: Climate impact of solar variability. Greenbelt, NASA, 1990, 44.
Hoyt, D. V. & Schatten, K. H.: The role of the sun in climate change. New York-Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1997, 61, 70, 86, 184,188,194, 214
The graph follows:
Dr Wilson comments: It shows that the amount of heating here on the Earth's surface appears to be directly dependent on the relative strength of the magnetic field on the Sun. NOTE: An assumption is being made here that strong longitudinal fields in sunspots means a strong toroidal/dipolar field for the Sun as whole. This would support the contention that the strength of the magnetic field on the Sun controls the cosmic ray flux here on Earth which in turn regulates the world's mean temperature through the amount of low level cloud formation.
There are heresies in astrophysics too. Some well-informed scientists even claim that the sun is mostly solid. Another heresy is the electic universe claim. One of the electic universe protagonists has written to me as follows about the post above:
"In addition to the reasons you posted on your blog, the reason that the earth's temperature correlates so well with the sun's magnetic field is because common to both bodies are the electric currents connecting them via the electric plasma of space.
All magnetic fields are produced by electric currents, without exception. So if the sun's magnetic field gets stronger, so also the electric current driving it. If that current has increased then so also the electric currents to the earth.
Electric currents passing through resistive loads like the earth's atmosphere and crust will generate heat, in addition to that received by solar radiation and the effect of the cosmic rays that are actually electric currents too.
Until astrophysicists and climate scientists start to include the largest force in the universe in their modelling, flawed interpretations and conclusion will continue to be made in our understanding of the earth and its relationship to the rest of solar system. It is this electrical interaction that actually drives the earth's surface conditions, or climate"
Even Greenies who knew it well found it a lot colder than they expected. But they still believe that it is warming, of course. A picture of one of the stupid publicity-seekers below. I am guessing that she likes women a lot more than she likes men
A North Pole expedition meant to bring attention to global warming was called off after one of the explorers got frostbite.
The explorers, Ann Bancroft and Liv Arnesen, on Saturday called off what was intended to be a 530-mile trek across the Arctic Ocean after Arnesen suffered frostbite in three of her toes, and extreme cold temperatures drained the batteries in some of their electronic equipment. "Ann said losing toes and going forward at all costs was never part of the journey," said Ann Atwood, who helped organize the expedition. On Monday, the pair was at Canada's Ward Hunt Island, awaiting a plane to take them to Resolute, Canada, where they were to return to Minneapolis later this week.
Bancroft, 51, became the first woman to cross the North Pole on a 1986 expedition. She and Arnesen, 53, of Oslo, Norway, were the first women to ski across Antarctica in 2001. But the latest trek got off to a bad start. The day they set off from Ward Hunt Island, a plane landing near the women hit their gear, punching a hole in Bancroft's sled and damaging one of Arnesen's snowshoes. They repaired the snowshoe with binding from a ski, but Atwood said the patch job created pressure on Arnesen's left foot, which led to blisters that then turned into frostbite.
Then there was the cold - quite a bit colder, Atwood said, then Bancroft and Arnesen had expected. One night they measured the temperature inside their tent at 58 degrees below zero, and outside temperatures were exceeding 100 below zero at times, Atwood said...
The explorers had planned to call in regular updates to school groups by satellite phone, and had planned online posts with photographic evidence of global warming. In contrast to Bancroft's 1986 trek across the Arctic with fellow Minnesota explorer Will Steger, this time she and Arnesen were prepared to don body suits and swim through areas where polar ice has melted.
Atwood said there was some irony that a trip to call attention to global warming was scuttled in part by extreme cold temperatures. "They were experiencing temperatures that weren't expected with global warming," Atwood said.
Global Warming: The Left's Anti-Religion
Post lifted from Riehl World
Global Warming (GW) is increasingly being called the religion of the Left. While many Leftists do seem to embrace the cause with all the fervor one usually sees in religious fanatics, as currently comprised, I think that GW actually functions more as a non- or anti-religion for many on the Left.
Since man discovered he could think, he has been wrestling to define himself within the context of a larger world he cannot fully comprehend. Over time, different religions have served that purpose well for many groups. But the secular humanists of the Left abhor religion. Their desire is to not believe in anything being supreme to man. And that speaks to how I believe they came to embrace GW in the manner they have today.
The world has increased in warmth about one-half a degree centigrade in the last 100 years. Why? Frankly, there are some good emerging ideas - a combination of the Sun, water vapor and who knows what number of interactive processes. But accepting that our knowledge is still very limited, putting us at the mercy of vast, not fully knowable cosmic forces is the very thing the Left fears when it comes to religion - it demands one give up a certain amount of control. It also resigns one to being small, insignificant, without some grand calling, or cause. That position often exposes one to increased existential anxiety, as your, and the planet's fate are not ultimately in your own hands.
So what do they do? They embrace a human cause for GW. That way they continue to remain, in their minds, supreme, or in control. If it is our fault, we can fix, or control it. If there's nothing we can do about it, we may be forced to grab onto some other system of faith to ease our minds. God forbid, saith the Left.
The danger we face is twofold. Neo-Marxists are capitalizing on the GW movement to a significant degree. And, as can happen with any religion, the Left is likely to cling to their stilted view of this issue more strongly than they've ever clung to anything else; at least until the next safe haven for their basically weak minds comes along. I suppose we should be grateful they're currently fixated on carbon and have yet to take up a belief in, or the practice of radical Islam and jihad. Who knows what direction the half-crazed, spiritually vapid, pillar to post neo-Liberals of today might go next?
Environmentalism is a religion that is based more on political ambitions than science, the president of the Czech Republic warned Friday. Speaking at the Cato Institute, a public policy think-tank, President Vaclav Klaus said that environmentalists who clamor for policy change to combat global warming "only pretend" to be promoting environmental protection, and are actually being driven by a political agenda. "Environmentalism should belong in the social sciences," much like the idea of communism or other "-isms" such as feminism, Klaus said, adding that "environmentalism is a religion" that seeks to reorganize the world order as well as social behavior and value systems worldwide.
As for government spending on global warming studies, the former finance minister and of the Eastern European nation and trained economist said that such efforts were a "waste of money," adding that there was already sufficient scientific evidence for those seeking policy change to back up their proposals. Meanwhile, he pointed out that those seeking to protect the environment could do a great deal under the existing political framework and with existing technologies, such as importing less goods from far-flung regions that require enormous jet fuel use. Klaus concluded Friday his week-long tour of the United States, having met with a number of senior Bush administration officials, including Vice President Dick Cheney.
Poland has accepted the European Union's compromise solution on boosting the share of renewable energy in total energy production to 20% and lowering carbon dioxide emissions by 20% by 2020, Polish President Lech Kaczynski said Friday. "At first reading of the initial proposal, it would seem that each EU country would need to have 20% of renewable energy sources and to cut emission by 20%, also cutting energy consumption," Kaczynski told a press conference in Brussels. "It is now apparent that every country may adopt tasks that are compliant with its own point of departure."
Poland refused to support EU plans of increasing the share of renewable source in the Polish energy production to 20%, since its current share is at just 5.5%, according to President Kaczynski. The president said the targets set by the EU leaders apply to the entire bloc and not to individual countries. "Also, no country will be forced to adopt measures in this field without its consent," Kaczynski also said. German Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel said Friday EU states agreed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 20% by the year 2020. She called the goals set in the EU's declaration on the matter as "ambitious and credible." "[The leaders' intention] is to reach 20% of generation from renewable energy sources as a European average," Merkel said at a separate press conference in Brussels.
Many people would like to be kind to others so Leftists exploit that with their nonsense about equality. Most people want a clean, green environment so Greenies exploit that by inventing all sorts of far-fetched threats to the environment. But for both, the real motive is generally to promote themselves as wiser and better than everyone else, truth regardless.
Global warming has taken the place of Communism as an absurdity that "liberals" will defend to the death regardless of the evidence showing its folly. Evidence never has mattered to real Leftists
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