New Peer Reviewed Study: CO2 has Zero Impact on Climate Change
A powerful peer-reviewed scientific study delivers substantial evidence that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the atmosphere have zero impact on the Earth’s global temperatures. The study concludes that even though most publications attempt to depict a catastrophic future for our planet due to an increase in CO2, there is serious doubt that this is, in fact, the case. Instead, the study authors deduced that their research unequivocally means that the officially presented narrative that human activity is causing a detrimental CO2 increase on Earth’s climate is merely a hypothesis rather than a substantiated reality.
The study, published in Science Direct in March 2024, confirms that the warming effect of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is naturally limited, with the limit having been reached decades ago. The study also confirms what climatologist Dr. Judith Curry has stated, which is that the “manufactured consensus of scientists at the request of policymakers” regarding climate change is all a ruse to push an agenda that has nothing to do with climate change. She insists that “Earth has survived far bigger insults that what human beings are doing.”
In a 2022 interview, Curry remarked that the basic facts of the climate situation are clear—global temperatures have been warming, humans emit CO2 into the atmosphere, and CO2 has an infrared emission spectra that, overall, acts to warm the planet. However, after that, there is much disagreement over the most consequential issues propagated to fuel the climate change narrative, such as how much of the warming has been caused by humans and how significant is human-caused warming relative to solar-variability, ocean circulation patterns, and so on?
Why are politically active scientists exaggerating the truth for political objectives? Many are now certain that, like the COVID-19 pandemic, the massive climate change scheme is about greed, power, and control. Curry, Professor Emeritus and former chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, has become known as an outspoken scientist who doubts the “scientific consensus” on climate change. Unsurprisingly, akin to the doctors who dared speak up about the deadly mRNA COVID-19 shots, Curry was “academically, pretty much finished off” and “essentially unhirable.” But that has not stopped her from speaking up. When asked how far from reality the picture of doom and gloom painted by those pushing the climate agenda really is, Curry stated:
“It’s very far from gloom and doom. People are being sued left and right over bad weather. Governments, oil companies, and everything because they’re not doing enough.
People who think that they can control the climate… It’s just a pipe dream. Even if we went to net zero, we would barely notice. It would be hard to detect any change in the climate. The climate is going to do what the climate’s going to do. And there’s a lot of inertia in the system.
If the carbon dioxide that we’ve put in is as important, as bad as some people seem to think, those effects are going to be with us for a very, very long time. And stopping now isn’t going to change that trajectory very much.
So, we must look forward and try to understand what’s happened. But thinking that we’re going to control the climate by going to net zero very quickly is not good.”
Curry remarked that even when you look more recently at the weather in the United States, for example, it was much worse in the 1930s by any measure than it is now. When you look at the data, she insists that period was inundated with forest fires, droughts, heat waves, and hurricanes. It makes no sense to rapidly revamp our entire energy infrastructure to rely on wind turbines and solar energy, which require a massive land and water footprint.
According to Curry, the most significant danger is if “we do really stupid stuff like destroy our energy infrastructure before we have something better to replace it with.” She believes the biggest climate risk right now is a so-called transition risk, the risk of rapidly getting rid of fossil fuels. Dr. Curry is right. Even if society transitions to all wind and solar, massive amounts of fossil fuels will be needed to do all the mining, establish the supply chains, transport, and everything else. So, in the near term, even if the plan is to use all renewable wind and solar energy, we will need large amounts of fossil fuels to get there. “People just repeat these mantras without any thought,” Curry said, adding, “It’s not a good place.”
And now, following Dr. Curry’s sound advice and insight, we have the Science Direct study reaffirming the madness bestowed upon humanity by a despicable cohort of greedy souls. Conducted by researchers from the Institute of Optoelectronics, Military University of Technology in Warsaw, Poland, the study authors found that even if we dug up all the world’s coal, extracted all the world’s oil, and burned it in one giant pyre, the CO2 emissions from that endeavor would not heat up planet Earth. Indeed, this is because carbon dioxide does not cause the Earth to warm up indefinitely.
As reported by Slay News, much like a sponge, the Earth’s atmosphere can only hold so much, meaning that carbon dioxide cannot increase temperatures anymore since the saturation point was reached a long time ago. The study uses a hypothetical concept of a fire inside a greenhouse consistently emitting heat. The glass walls and ceiling can contain only so much heat before emitting it outside. CO2 in the atmosphere is very similar in that it can act as a “greenhouse” gas, but all the CO2 together can only contain so much heat, much like the hypothetical greenhouse. The CO2 Coalition agrees with this conclusion as well. Thus, amidst all the fearmongering around climate change—and the knowledge that many things, including changes in solar activity heavily influence Earth’s weather—Dr. Curry believes even if the Earth is warming, it is not a dangerous thing, commenting:
“This whole issue of “dangerous” is the weakest part of the whole argument. What is dangerous? Everybody has a different idea of what’s good. The only harm from warming is rising sea levels. And that’s a slow creep unless something catastrophic happens, say, to the West Antarctic ice sheet. And if something catastrophic happens there, that’s as likely to be associated with under-ice volcanoes as it is to be with global warming.”
***********************************************Polar Bears, Dead Coral and Other Climate Fictions
Whatever happened to polar bears? They used to be all climate campaigners could talk about, but now they’re essentially absent from headlines. Over the past 20 years, climate activists have elevated various stories of climate catastrophe, then quietly dropped them without apology when the opposing evidence becomes overwhelming. The only constant is the scare tactics.
Protesters used to dress up as polar bears. Al Gore’s 2006 film, “An Inconvenient Truth,” depicted a sad cartoon polar bear floating away to its death. The Washington Post warned in 2004 that the species could face extinction, and the World Wildlife Fund’s chief scientist claimed some polar bear populations would be unable to reproduce by 2012.
Then in the 2010s, campaigners stopped talking about them. After years of misrepresentation, it finally became impossible to ignore the mountain of evidence showing that the global polar-bear population has increased substantially. Whatever negative effect climate change had was swamped by the reduction in hunting of polar bears. The population has risen from around 12,000 in the 1960s to about 26,000.
The same thing has happened with activists’ outcry about Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. For years, they shouted that the reef was being killed off by rising sea temperatures. After a hurricane extensively damaged the reef in 2009, official Australian estimates of the percent of reef covered in coral reached a record low in 2012. The media overflowed with stories about the great reef catastrophe, and scientists predicted the coral cover would be reduced by another half by 2022. The Guardian even published an obituary in 2014.
The latest official statistics show a completely different picture. For the past three years the Great Barrier Reef has had more coral cover than at any point since records began in 1986, with 2024 setting a new record. This good news gets a fraction of the coverage that the panicked predictions did.
More recently, green campaigners were warning that small Pacific islands would drown as sea levels rose. In 2019 United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres flew all the way to Tuvalu, in the South Pacific, for a Time magazine cover shot. Wearing a suit, he stood up to his thighs in the water behind the headline “Our Sinking Planet.” The accompanying article warned the island—and others like it—would be struck “off the map entirely” by rising sea levels.
About a month ago, the New York Times finally shared what it called “surprising” climate news: Almost all atoll islands are stable or increasing in size. In fact, scientific literature has documented this for more than a decade. While rising sea levels do erode land, additional sand from old coral is washed up on low-lying shores. Extensive studies have long shown this accretion is stronger than climate-caused erosion, meaning the land area of Tuvalu and many other small islands is increasing.
Today, killer heat waves are the new climate horror story. In July President Biden claimed “extreme heat is the No. 1 weather-related killer in the United States.”
He is wrong by a factor of 25. While extreme heat kills nearly 6,000 Americans each year, cold kills 152,000, of which 12,000 die from extreme cold. Even including deaths from moderate heat, the toll comes to less than 10,000. Despite rising temperatures, age-standardized extreme-heat deaths have actually declined in the U.S. by almost 10% a decade and globally by even more, largely because the world is growing more prosperous. That allows more people to afford air-conditioners and other technology that protects them from the heat.
The petrified tone of heat-wave coverage twists policy illogically. Whether from heat or cold, the most sensible way to save people from temperature-related deaths would be to ensure access to cheap, reliable electricity. That way, it wouldn’t be only the rich who could afford to keep safe from blistering or frigid weather. Unfortunately, much of climate policy makes affordable energy all the harder to obtain.
Activists do the world a massive disservice by refusing to acknowledge facts that challenge their intensely doom-ridden worldview. There is ample evidence that man-made emissions cause changes in climate, and climate economics generally finds that the costs of these effects outweigh the benefits. But the net result is nowhere near catastrophic. The costs of all the extreme policies campaigners push for are much worse. All told, politicians across the world are now spending more than $2 trillion annually—far more than the estimated cost from climate change that these policies prevent each year.
Scare tactics leave everyone—especially young people—distressed and despondent. Fear leads to poor policy choices that further frustrate the public. And the ever-changing narrative of disasters erodes public trust.
Telling half-truths while piously pretending to “follow the science” benefits activists with their fundraising, generates clicks for media outlets, and helps climate-concerned politicians rally their bases. But it leaves all of us poorly informed and worse off.
********************************************Australian Solar industry sees first projects put on ice as nuclear proposal sows doubt among investors
Political turbulence around the renewable energy debate is making some clean energy investors nervous.
Despite reassurances from the federal government, the opposition's nuclear policy has sown some doubt over whether the renewable industry will continue to have Commonwealth policy support over the next several decades.
One Australian solar manufacturing business said it had already seen an impact.
Dr Methuen Morgan, head of solar farm installers Meralli Projects, said he had already seen an increase in hesitancy from investors.
"They're concerned about which way a potential future government is going to go," he told the ABC.
"It's slowing the business down, projects that were meant to be going ahead are being slowed down and there's a wait-and-see attitude being adopted by some."
Meralli Projects head Methuen Morgan previously sought to establish a regional challenger to the Nationals at a NSW state election.
He said it had already resulted in one of their projects being put on hold indefinitely.
"There's a project that's up to be invested in, a small solar project, and they're just literally wanting to see what the [parliament] does in this space."
At the National Press Club on Wednesday, Energy Minister Chris Bowen echoed those concerns.
Government urged to combat 'material distrust' in green energy projects
Poor engagement and consultation has led to "material distrust" of renewable energy developers in regional communities, according to a much-anticipated review.
He revealed he had been approached by renewable energy investors questioning the long-term reliability of the industry.
"Has it been raised with me as a concern by renewable energy investors? Have they paid attention and are they worried about it? Yes," he said.
Labor wants to increase the share of renewables in the electricity grid to 82 per cent by 2030 — which it needs to do to have any chance of meeting its emissions reduction promise.
Project delays are likely to put that timeline at risk, and the energy minister has blamed the Coalition for introducing doubt.
In a statement, a spokesperson for Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen said: "After 10 years of delay, denial and dysfunction under the former Coalition government, the Albanese government has secured investment confidence and certainty with the right policy settings to capitalise on the huge opportunities for Australia in the clean energy transformation.
"The Opposition's anti-renewables nuclear plan is about stopping this progress.
"They would have years of discussions about nuclear, drafting laws and planning.
"There won't be electricity generated under their own plans before 2035. Even that is unrealistic — based on what we're seeing overseas, it would be 2040s at least.
"In the meantime, we miss this massive clean energy opportunity for our country."
Welcome the Warmth, it’s good not dangerous
By Viv Forbes in Northern Australia
At dawn today (30th July) mid-winter in sunny Queensland, it was zero degrees on the lawn outside our kitchen and the small water tub for our chooks was iced over
Every morning, as soon as it gets light, Judy puts a winter coat over her jamas, adds gloves, glasses, rubber boots, a beanie and a walking stick (icy grass is very slippery).
She then trudges down the hill to check any new-born lambs and then lets the sheep out of their dingo-proof night-camp into their paddock for the day.
As soon as they are let out, they dribble into a long line and, led by the wisest old ewe, they wend their way across the frosty flat and then make their way up the hill to the highest point facing the morning sun.
Unlike Green politicians, sheep are not stupid. They know that warm air rises so in winter they camp at the highest point they can find. And in cold mornings, they try to catch the early rising sun.
Our house was not built by stupid people – we call it “Hilltop” and it faces North – it usually stays above the frost line in winter. And not all residents of Victoria are stupid either – in winter hundreds of them clog up our highways, heading north to follow the sun.
Maybe they are like cattle caught in a snow storm – just drifting north before that cold southerly wind blowing icy air up from the Antarctic?
Al Gore and his Green disciples bleat about the imaginary “dangers of global warming”. They should check where life flourishes – is it in the equatorial zones or at the icy poles? Are there more people in Nome, Alaska or in Mexico City?
And if atmospheric CO2 controls temperature, both places should be about equally warm? Maybe it is the amount of heat received from the sun and not CO2 that is the main driver of global temperatures?
And even if they fear global warming, they do not need to cripple our electricity generators here with their green energy nonsense – they should just move South to the Snowy Mountains; or buy a house facing the Roaring Forties at Cape Grim in Tasmania; or even slip down to Invercargill in New Zealand for a permanent cure for those with a chronic dose of global warming syndrome.
Green Pied Pipers and the lemmings who follow them started the ‘”Global Warming Scare”. These foolish politicians and their alarmist media mates know more about political science than they know about climate science.
As each of their forecasts fail, they change their chant – “global warming” becomes “climate change” then it becomes “wild weather” – all promoted, not by meteorologists, but by propagandists in government media units.
Anyone with an ounce of knowledge about Earth history knows that the Mammoths did not die of heat stroke – they were entombed rapidly in ice. And even Saint Greta should know that the real danger to life on Earth is not global warming but global cooling and the inevitable return of the suffocating ice sheets.
Here is what an ancient Scandinavian legend says:
A long time ago
the universe was made of ice.
Then one day the ice began to melt,
and a mist rose into the sky.
Out of the mist
came a giant made of frost,
And the Earth and the heavens
were made from his body.
This is how the world began
and that is how the world will end,
not by fire
but by ice.
The seas will freeze,
and winters will never end.
Geologic evidence shows there have been many ice ages. However, as the above legend shows, only rare tribal memories go back further than the last ice age. Despite the shrill forecasts of dangerous global warming from Al Gore’s Gang, there are many signs that we are past the peak of the Holocene Warming.
It is the next cycle of global cooling we have to fear.
For example, in Greenland, “The Lost Squadron” travelling from USA to Britain in 1942 was forced to land on the Greenland Ice sheet. Two B-17 bombers and six P-38 Lightnings ran out of fuel and crash-landed on the Greenland ice sheet.
The crews abandoned the planes. The planes were rediscovered 50 years later using steam boring machines. They were buried under 268 feet of ice. (In 2002 a recovered and restored P-38 flew again.)
Our family ancestors learned about weather.
Mine came from Britain and Denmark. Some went to Dunedin in far south New Zealand. There they started to die out and decided to move again – to sunny Queensland.
Judy’s ancestors started living around Armidale in NSW but also found it too cold and migrated north to Sarina in North Queensland (every winter her sheep wish she had stayed in the warmth of north Queensland.)
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