Friday, March 17, 2023


Google have stepped up their "unpublishing" activities lately. They delete posts that they dislike on blogspot, which they own. The odd thing is that they mostly delete posts from years ago. And just why is not immediately apparent. The latest post on this blog that they have deleted was from November 2009. It does appear in my backups here so you can still read it. Just scroll down to 23rd. I think it was the second last post of that day that was the problem -- in which I quote some pretty fiery words of John Hinderaker. His original post is still up. Marc Morano quoted that post too so Google's efforts are not going to make it go away

The second one that they have deleted is more mysterious. I suspect that it was a quote from Peter Berger that offended. Scroll down to the third post on January 12 here


Is Greta Thunberg a stooge?

The more I dug into @GretaThunberg's story, the more I realized that something stinks here. It's no COINCIDENCE that her first appearance was on August 20, 2018, with a sit-in protest in front of the Swedish Parliament, followed COINCIDENTALLY four days later by the release of a book she co-authored with her mother.

But that's not all - the PR machine for her was already in full swing on August 20, thanks to a man named Ingmar Rentzhog, who financed and drove the campaign through his company, @WeDontHaveTime

And guess what? Rentzhog is also COINCIDENTALLY the chairman of the think tank "Global Challenge" (@ChallengesFnd), which is now COINCIDENTALLY fully financed by a billionaire named Kristine Person, a member of the Swedish Social Democratic Workers' Party and former minister in the government under Stefan Löfven.

And if that's not enough, Rentzhog purely COINCIDENTALLY happened to walk by the Swedish Parliament on August 20 and encounter Greta during her sit-in protest, taking a photograph of her. But wait, there's more - Rentzhog and Gretas mother had already met before at a climate conference on May 4, 2018, which is COINCIDENTALLY the exact date when Rentzhog became CEO of the aforementioned think tank.

And here's something interesting - both Kristine Person and Stefan Löfven happen to be members of Klaus Schwab's
@WEF. It's amazing how all these connections seem to come full circle, isn't it?

It's clear to me that something fishy is going on behind the scenes here. These people are manipulating the public and abusing their power for their own political gain. We need to be aware of their tactics and warn everybody we know about the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


The War on Affordable Energy Continues

The Biden Administration’s war on American energy commenced on his first day in office when the president issued seven Executive Orders limiting oil exploration, imposing massive new costly regulations on the energy industry, and rescinding support for the Keystone Pipeline. Americans are feeling the impact of these policies through astronomical prices for electricity and natural gas.

Even states like Kentucky, which boasts one of the most robust energy industries in the country, are feeling the pain. Out of nowhere, the Blue Grass State suddenly found itself stuck in rolling blackouts this winter as scores of residents couldn’t even so much as turn on their lights, heat their homes, or power on their electric cars or stoves. The fact that something like this happened in Kentucky, a state that uses more energy per dollar of Gross Domestic Product than nearly any other, shows that it can happen anywhere.

This should not come as a shock when considering how coal country has been under assault for more than a decade. Liberal billionaires have spent hundreds of millions of dollars convincing policymakers to shut down American energy sources and the jobs connected to them. President Biden has bought what they’re selling, and despite the pain Americans are feeling, he is showing no signs of backing down.

President Biden’s position is nonsensical. There’s a reason that coal still generates a large portion of the United States’ electricity: it’s one of the most reliable and effective energy sources on the market today. Biden says that it’s not clean, but that’s not true either. States like West Virginia and Kentucky have proven that coal can be mined with little to no environmental impact.

In addition to being wrong on the facts, the war on affordable energy generally and coal specifically, is dangerous because it involves government bureaucrats rather than the marketplace picking winners and losers. Under White House policy, the government is putting its fingers on the scales to boost solar and wind power while building every impediment possible to other energy sources.

This temptation works both ways, with some state legislatures considering bills, such as Kentucky’s SB 4, that would use the power of big government to strong-arm coal use at all costs. Supporters of bills like these ignore the fact that coal plants, like everything else, have limited lifespans, and sometimes need to be shut down for taxpayers’ and energy consumers’ own good.

Government shouldn’t put its thumb on the scale in either direction. Weakening the competitive marketplace, increasing costs, and reducing the availability of reliable electricity is not in anyone’s interest.

The data proves it. In 2022, consumers paid nearly 15% more for their electricity than they did the year prior. President Biden and other advocates of the war on affordable energy may argue energy cost increases came about due to general price inflation, but this figure is two times higher than the country’s annual inflation rate of 6.5%.

The more President Biden and others push the country to move away from the cheapest and most effective sources of energy at their disposal (whether those may be coal, renewables, or something else), the more jobs and economic activity the American people will lose, and the more horror stories we’ll hear from people paying hundreds of dollars more every month for gas and electricity.

Let’s not reflexively black out any particular source of power in the energy industry. Let’s allow them all to continue to grow, innovate, thrive, and shine bright. It’s the only way to ensure our power remains on and our utility bills don’t become as big as our mortgage payments.


Australia has already achieved net zero. What climate crisis?

Australia has more than reached net zero emissions, and we are in surplus, argues the nation’s leading climate scientist.

So why is the Albanese government pouring billions into going even further with this agenda, and in the process wrecking lives by replacing one of the cheapest and most reliable electricity systems in the world with one of the most expensive and least reliable?

And with a leading Scandinavian car ferry line banning electric cars for safety reasons, why is the NSW Liberal National party government pushing apartment buildings into making it easier to charge EV’s when it should be banning such dangerous death traps from all car parks?

Fortunately, there are those who stand out against this. Prominent among these is the nation’s best-known geologist, the highly credentialled Professor Emeritus Ian Plimer.

Notwithstanding the frequent calls by politicians to ‘follow the science’, few consult or even read Plimer just as few media outlets publish or broadcast him.

However, he recently gave an extended interview, ‘What climate crisis?’, available free on demand on ADH TV

Plimer challenges the elites’ determination to move to net-zero emissions. Even if the discredited global warming theory were true, he says net zero is unnecessary for Australia.

He has come to the startling conclusion that Australia has already achieved net zero. He explains that when we burn coal and petroleum products and release CO2 into the atmosphere, this is sequestered into grasslands, crops and forests and dissolved in the coastal sea.

Incidentally, never fall for yet another linguistic trick from the Orwellian Minitruth, the Ministry of Truth, and call CO2 ‘carbon’. That’s done to suggest something unclean. Similarly, for reasons explained previously, never ever use ‘gender’ when you mean ‘sex’.

Returning to the sequestration of CO2, this occurs during photosynthesis, the process by which a plant uses CO2 from the air and water with energy from the light of the sun to produce its own food and what we need, oxygen.

Now, unlike politicians, plants do not distinguish between the 3 per cent of CO2 which is man-made and the rest. To a plant, it’s all food and not a pollutant, the silliest claim the elites could make .

Since Australia is lucky enough to be a continent with very few people, says Plimer, we absorb far more CO2 than we need.

Far from net zero, we are in a massive surplus, absorbing ten times our CO2 emissions. To achieve what we already have, our politicians are wasting billions and billions.

Plimer argues we should become the centre of every CO2 emitting industry in the world. After all, if a politician is under the delusion that CO2 is a pollutant and that it’s going to change the climate, he or she should campaign to locate heavy industry, smelting, metal manufacturing, in Australia.

Plimer’s thinking is impeccable. Why is he being silenced? Why don’t the global warmists try to prove this eminent scientist wrong? Is it because they cannot?

Asked what he would do if he were in power, he says he would stop subsidies and get rid of ‘foolish policies’ that as soon as you have electricity from wind or the sun, coal-fired power stations are to be blown up.

Rejecting claims about fossil fuel, he’d repeal legislation banning nuclear energy. Wholesale electricity contracts would be for the life of a nuclear power station, 80 or 100 years, to protect investors from politicians trying to stop them from providing cheap and reliable electricity ‘24/7, 365 days a year’.

Professor Plimer is right. What climate crisis indeed?




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