Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Later today I am going into hospital for a day procedure so I am unlikely to be back on top of things for a while. At age 75 my resilence is limited. Presuming all goes well, I should be back posting on Sunday.  If there are complications, of course, I could be admitted and that would take a longer time to resolve.  I will however be in very good hands so I think I will end up satisfactorily patched up. My mood is a bit dark at the moment -- unusual for me -- but as I write this I am listening to some of the marvellous music of Mozart and that helps


  1. As a 75+ follower of your blog, I wish you well and can empathize about resiliency. Hope all turns out well and we'll be watching for your return.

  2. All the best.

    See you Sunday

  3. Best wishes , John!!

  4. Hope you get well quickly.
    I enjoy your posts.

  5. Time is a brutal and unforgiving foe. Be a good and cooperative patient while we await your return.

  6. I see from above that all seemingly went well. O frabjus day! Callooh! Callay!


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