Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Rank hypocrisy: Pelosi Says Withdrawing from Climate Deal Dishonors God

Are we supposed to forget that a probable majority of delegates to the 2012 DNC convention OPPOSED a mention of God and Jerusalem in their party platform?

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) said at a press briefing today that withdrawing the United States from the Paris Accord on climate change dishonors God.

“The Bible tells us that to minister to the needs of God’s creation is an act of worship,” Pelosi said. “To ignore those needs is to dishonor the God who made us and that is just what we are doing by walking away from this accord.”

Here is an excerpt from Pelosi’s briefing:

And we have a moral responsibility in addition to our national security, our economy and the good health of our children. We have a moral responsibility. We must leave future generations with a healthy, sustainable planet. Faith leaders—starting with His Holiness, Pope Francis—to the Evangelical community have urged as to be responsible stewards of the beauty of God’s creation. They believe, as do I, that this planet is God’s creation and we have a moral responsibility to be good stewards of it.

When we worked with the Evangelical community to put together our climate legislation ten years ago, nine years ago--we worked on it for awhile--they had their literature which said that we had a moral responsibility to be good stewards of God’s creation, and, in doing so, we must pay special attention to the needs of the poor. They saw it as an environmental justice issue as well, the Evangelical community.

When the pope went to the White House he talked about the dangers of air pollution, when he was here. And just last week, the pope met with President Trump and gave him a copy of his encyclical, Laudate Si, which made the case for strong, urgent action to halt the climate crisis. The pope wrote: ‘The climate is a common good belonging to all and meant for all.’

The Bible tells us that to minister to the needs of God’s creation is an act of worship. To ignore those needs is to dishonor the God who made us and that is just what we are doing by walking away from this accord.


EPA Director Says He and Trump Didn't Talk About President's Views on Global Warming

He puts it well when he says that what he opposes are "climate exaggerators"

EPA Director Scott Pruitt said Friday that he and the president never discussed what his views were on whether climate change is real. Their conversation was strictly confined to whether the Paris Climate Accord is good for the country.

"What's interesting about all the discussions we had in the last several weeks have been focused on one singular issue: is Paris good or not for this country. That's the discussion I had with the president. That's been my focus. The focus remained on whether Paris put us at a disadvantage, and in fact, it did, put us at an economic disadvantage," Pruitt said when asked whether President Donald Trump believes climate change is real and a threat to the U.S.

The EPA director said the Obama administration fell short of the targets set by the Paris agreement.

"You may not know this, but Paris set targets at 26 and 28 percent. With the entire agenda of the previous administration we still fell 40 percent short of those targets," Pruitt said.

"It is a failed deal to begin with, and even if all of the targets were met by all nations across the globe, it only reduced the temperature by less than two-tenths of one degree, so that is something that the president focused upon with respect to how it impacted us economically and one of the legit environmental objectives that were achieved as a result of Paris. His decision was no, and that was the extent of our discussions," he said.

During his confirmation hearing, Pruitt he didn't believe that climate change was "a hoax" but that it was "subject to continuing debate."

When asked what his personal view is on global warming and whether human activity contributes at all to global warming, Pruitt referenced his confirmation hearing.

"I don't know if you guys caught my confirmation process or not, but … that confirmation process I indicated that in fact global warming is occurring, that human activity contributes to it in some manner," Pruitt said.

"Measuring with precision from my perspective the degree of human contribution is very challenging, but it still begs the question, what do we do about it?" he said. "Does it pose an existential threat as some say?

"You know, people have called me a climate skeptic or a climate denier," he said. "I would say that there are climate exaggerators.


Trump to Ecofascists: You're Fired!

The caterwauling coming from leftists around the world is a wonder to behold. It's a clue the president was right.

As satisfying as President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris agreement was, it pales in comparison to leftists' reaction to it. The suppurating eruption from globalist elites, Hollywood glitterati, feckless politicians, media jackals and environmentalist jackboots is a wonder to behold.

German newspaper Berliner Kurier led the charge, embracing the Left’s latest “intellectual” tack, as in the use of four letter words they apparently believe deliver maximum impact. Hence the front page headline, “Earth to Trump: F*** you!” For the sake of “perspective” it should be noted the same paper once called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “insane” for using another “F” word — “Führer.”

The “Drop Dead” meme, first used in 1975 in response to President Gerald Ford’s refusal to give federal aid to New York City to spare it from bankruptcy, was revived as well. Democrat party hack Chuck Schumer voiced the charge, dutifully aped by “Drop Dead” headlines in the News Leader, the New York Daily News, and the Huffington Post.

In CNN’s “Trump to planet: Drop dead,” columnist David A. Andelman warned that “Trump now risks plunging America into the position of the lone bully in the lunchroom” — meaning Andelman remains totally oblivious to the army of leftist bullies in the same “lunchroom.” Bullies who had no problem with Barack Obama bypassing the Senate by declaring the Paris deal an “agreement” instead of a treaty.

Moving downward, elitist billionaire and environmentalist “hero” Tom Steyer called the withdrawal a “traitorous act of war.” That would be the same Tom Steyer who once owned Farallon Capital Management, a firm heavily invested in coal.

Perhaps there’s a statute of limitations on “treason.”

By contrast, rank hypocrisy seems eternal, and no one does it better than limousine-riding, private jet flying, mansion-owning, greenhouse gas-spewing celebrities whose “do as I say, not as I do” sanctimony is the stuff of legend. Trump will have the “death of whole nations on his hands,” Mark Ruffalo warned. “Today, our planet suffered,” moaned Leonardo DiCaprio. “Trump is having the U.S. pull out of the Paris Climate Accord. Too bad someone didn’t tell his father that he shoulda pulled out, too,” chirped Star Trek has-been George Takei. “Trump just committed a crime against humanity,” huffed Michael Moore. “There has never in US history been such a destructive megalomaniac in the WH,” tweeted Bette Midler. And the ever colorful Cher was at her “intellectual” best, warning “ppl” of the world that there are “‘MILLIONS'OfUs” being held “Hostage By Insane DICTATOR!”

More like insane media. CNN host Fareed Zakaria called Thursday “the day that the United States resigned as the leader of the free world.” CBS trotted out Obama and his standard spiel that those who reject progressive ideology “reject the future.” NBC went with uber climate “prognosticator” Al Gore, who insisted the withdrawal “is a reckless and indefensible action that undermines America’s standing in the world and threatens to damage humanity’s ability to solve the climate crisis in time.” Apparently the reality that Gore’s doomsday predictions have been spectacularly wrong doesn’t negate his status as the media’s go-to-guy on climate change.

And the always “even-handed” New York Times published a column entitled “Donald Trump Poisons the World” in which “conservative” columnist David Brooks excoriates Trump and his associates for their insufficiently “Kumbaya” approach to world affairs.

Politicians? California Gov. Jerry Brown called the withdrawal an “Insane Move by a Made by Deviant.” Hillary Clinton called it a “historic mistake.” Australian MP Adam Bandt labeled Trump a “climate criminal” who should become a “world pariah,” and Sen. Tom Kaine (D-VA) insisted Trump’s presidency “is all destruction & no accomplishments.” German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French president Emmanuel Macron and Italian prime minister Paolo Gentiloni deemed exiting the Paris agreement “irreversible” and “non-negotiable,” immediately undercutting Trump’s promise to revamp the deal on terms more favorable to America. New York City bathed landmarks in green, and Mayor Bill De Blasio promised a power grab to “honor the goals” of the agreement — goals that apparently don’t include wasting power on specious symbolism. DeBlasio was joined by a group called The Climate Mayors as well as politicians in 30 states who promised to defy Trump and pursue their own green agendas.

And the inimitable Nancy Pelosi accused Trump of “dishonoring” God.

The environmentalists were led by Greenpeace and Spanish director Mario Rodriguez. “Resistance will be maintained because the United States is much more than just the White House and Trump,” he stated. And since no leftist outburst is complete without accusations of racism, the ACLU National called the withdrawal a “massive step back for racial justice, and an assault on communities of color across the U.S.”

Ecofascists are consoling themselves with polls. “Most Americans support government regulation to fight climate change,” The Washington Post headline informs us. If that’s true, the propaganda has worked. The only thing left is to beat Trump-supporting Neanderthals into submission.

There is a method to the progressive madness, but it has nothing to do with environmentalism. “Under Paris, as Trump noted, the United States would’ve had to close all its coal plants, even as China builds hundreds more — and coal still generates a third of US electricity,” the New York Post explains.

Other equally contemptible realities intrude. Like the fact that the agreement is non-binding, or that a developing world responsible for four-fifths of greenhouse gas emissions can remain on their growth trajectory, or that the “Intended Nationally Determined Contribution” (INDC)“ to the plan each country is expected to furnish has no objective standards regarding emission reductions.

These and other equally fraudulent assertions produced a rare moment of candor from the New York Times. In 2014, the paper revealed, "The driving force behind the new deal was not the threat of sanctions or other legal consequences. It was global peer pressure.”

Make that incredibly costly peer pressure, best described by the Heritage Foundation as a job- and manufacturing-killing boondoggle that would engender a $2.5 trillion hit on America’s GDP by the year 2035. And a report by The Competitive Enterprise Institute noted that “the United States cannot comply with the Paris Agreement and pursue a pro-growth energy agenda,” because it “would destroy U.S. manufacturing’s energy price edge.”

All for what? MIT’s Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change calculated a 0.2 degrees Celsius reduction — by 2100. Danish economist Bjorn Lomborg makes it .036 Fahrenheit by 2100 — at a cost of $1 trillion a year. Neither number comes close to addressing what the alarmists insist is necessary, and both depend on virtually every country in the agreement living up to undefined promises.

In other words, the Paris agreement is an utter fraud, one underscored by the reality that the United States has contributed $1 billion to the Green Climate Fund, while China, India and Russia have contributed nothing. It is a pact designed by democracy-crushing, national sovereignty-despising progressive elites determined to put “exceptional” America in an unexceptional place.

Instead, globalists and their New World Order dreams have been dealt a serious blow by the man they hold in contempt for, as he put it, representing the citizens of “Pittsburgh, not Paris” — exactly as he promised to do.

America will continue finding innovative ways to be environmentally responsible, minus the yoke ecofascists sought to strap on our neck. Much to their amazement, President Trump just “fired” all of them.

It couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch


Democrats Plot ‘Revolution’ to Circumvent Trump’s Paris Decision

Democratic officials have vowed to implement the goals of the Paris climate agreement, despite President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the accord Thursday.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio vowed to issue an executive order soon to honor the goals of the Paris accord, including to keep future global warming below 2 degrees Celsius.

“On behalf of the people of New York City, and alongside mayors across the country, I am committing to honor the goals of the Paris Agreement with an Executive Order in the coming days, so our city can remain a home for generations to come,” DeBlasio said in a statement Thursday.

Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto also vowed to follow the “guidelines” of the Paris Agreement, although he gave no specifics.

Democratic governors of California, New York, and Washington also announced the creation of the United States Climate Alliance. Govs. Jerry Brown, Andrew Cuomo, and Jay Inslee all vowed to meet the Paris Agreement goals.

“We will not ignore the science and reality of climate change, which is why I am also signing an Executive Order confirming New York’s leadership role in protecting our citizens, our environment, and our planet,” Cuomo said.

“If the president is going to be AWOL in this profoundly important human endeavor, then California and other states will step up,” Brown said.

It’s part of what former Vice President Al Gore is calling the “clean energy revolution” that would be crippled by pulling out of the Paris climate agreement. Gore said “no single person” can stop the “revolution”—that apparently needs a lot of political will to further.

San Francisco billionaire Tom Steyer circulated an email petition Thursday, calling on supporters to “urge your governor to fulfill the commitment your state has already made to meet our Paris targets: Go to 100 percent renewable energy.”

“It’s now up to states, cities, and local communities to pick up the mantle of leadership and take the actions necessary to protect our children and leave them a better world,” Steyer wrote in the email blast.


Now its koalas that are "threatened" by climate change

This is all just imagination.  Not a single Koala has been inconvenienced by CO2 yet.  But furry creatures are always good for a scare

Australia's koalas populations and their coastal gum tree habitats could be devastated by rising sea levels, which would trigger toxic die-back disease, a scientific conference has been told.

Koalas feed only on the leaves of gum trees, and spend most of their lives protected in their tall branches. The iconic marsupial is listed nationally as a vulnerable species, and its numbers are falling.

Dr Rebecca Montague-Drake, an ecologist with the Port Macquarie Council in New South Wales, has published modelling that shows 14 per cent of the area's koala habitats will experience saltwater inundation over the next 50 years, climbing to 22 per cent next century.

She said rising salinity from bigger tides and floods would increase toxins in gum trees and "reduce the koala's food availability".

    "Koalas walk a really tight tightrope between the leaf that they eat, the high levels of toxins that eucalypts leaves contain, and the amount of toxin they can extract from those leaves," she said.

"When we start playing with the salinity balance in the soil, that fine balance in the leaf, between the toxins and the nutrient, values get way out of kilter."

Data suggests fewer than 40,000 koalas survive in the wild.

Dr Montague-Drake expects further destruction of coastal gum trees along a 1,000-kilometre strip between Jervis Bay and Moreton Bay, which could eliminate a third of the region's koala habitats.

She also said her modelling reflected a best-case, not worst-case, sea-rise scenario.

"We are only using a conservative estimate, because we know the trees characterised in these areas, the swamp mahoganies the forest red gum, are a little bit more resilient to salinity than some other species of eucalypts," she said.
Rising seas not the only problem

The sea level warnings add to a growing list of existing habitat threats for koalas, like forestry and unlawful land clearing.



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