Thursday, June 19, 2014


No posts today.  I have just had surgery on my right hand to remove a small cancer.  So I am supposed to give my hand a rest for a couple of days.  But you can't keep a good blogger down for long so I should be back soon.


  1. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Every best wish and kind regards to you and a speedy recovery..... from Elwyn Jones- Wales-UK

  2. Here's to your quick recovery.

  3. Mike Bugler3:12 PM

    Reminds me, somehow, of a time I was at the Greenwich Maritime Museum. Looking through some Cochrane family papers, there was a nondescript piece, covered in an indistinct spidery scrawl, which had words to the following effect: 'I wish to bring to your Lordships attention, the behaviour of Lieut xxxx who distinguished himself in a small boat action ...' blah, blah, blah. 'Please forgive my poor writing; my writing hand was shot off 3 days ago and this is my first attempt at writing a letter with the other one. Nelson, at sea'
    So, you temporary incapacity puts you in esteemed company!
    Best wishes and please get well soon

  4. A Lovell8:07 PM

    I visit your site daily, and have been wondering how you are after your various problems. I do hope you recover quickly and thoroughly. Your site is a great resource, and I'm grateful for the time and effort you put in.

    Wishing you all the best,

    A Lovell

  5. All the best JR. You are always missed!

  6. All the best JR. You are always missed!

  7. All the best JR. You are always missed!

  8. I concur the other's feelings, please get well soon.


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