Friday, October 14, 2005


Apparently the email below has been widely circulated. The absurdities I have highlighted in red show that the email is meant for true believers only. Nowhere is it mentioned that only about 1% of the ANWR is proposed for drilling. And the "massive oil spills still devastating the Gulf Coast" are pure fiction of course. How desperate Hollywood actors are to be taken seriously! And how ably they reveal why they are NOT worth taking seriously

From: "Robert Redford, NRDC Action Fund"
Subject: Don't let the Arctic Refuge become Katrina's next victim
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 15:02:35 -0400 (EDT)

Dear NRDC Action Fund Supporter,
The Bush Administration and Congressional leaders are shamelessly exploiting Hurricane Katrina as the latest excuse to hand over the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to the oil industry. Given the massive oil spills still devastating the Gulf Coast, it defies belief that our leaders are rushing headlong to hand over America's greatest wildlife sanctuary to the oil lobby. Instead of making America more energy efficient -- the fastest way to meet our energy needs and avoid oil supply shocks -- they would sponsor yet another corporate raid on our natural heritage.

This cynical exploitation of a national tragedy has revealed, as nothing else could, the complete bankruptcy of President Bush's pro-polluter energy policies -- policies inspired by nineteenth-century oil barons. Five years of coddling the oil industry has given us higher gas prices and left us more vulnerable than ever to oil shortages -- not to mention oil spills, air pollution, despoiled public lands, and catastrophic global warming.

You and I must not let the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge become the next preventable casualty of this president's failed policies. Within the next few weeks, Congress will cast its make-or-break vote on a Budget Reconciliation Bill that would allow oil drilling in the Arctic Refuge. I urge you to pour your heart and soul into defeating that bill. If you've alerted five friends to the urgency of this effort, mobilize five more:

Make a donation so that the NRDC Action Fund can run ads mobilizing the public in key Congressional districts:

Write a personal, hand-written letter to your Representative:

Please do what it takes to win. Because all the beauty and wildness we've worked so hard to protect over the past 30 years could be lost in a single day. We can win this fight, but only if we build overwhelming public pressure on Congress one person at a time. Thank you for joining with me to make it happen.

Robert Redford
NRDC Action Fund


An interesting email from a reader below. Any thoughts from other readers?

As you may remember, I have posted often about global warming, arguing (as you so often do) that while global warming may indeed be occuring, the cause or causes are yet unknown. I saw your post today on Greenie Watch about global warming, and it again got me to thinking about a post I hope to one day write regarding the thermal inertia of water.

So often we hear that because of human activity and expulsion of "greenhouse gasses" from our industries that the atmosphere is heating up. That is the basic argument, of course, of the GW fanatics. They usually go on to argue that since the atmosphere is heating up, that the polar ice caps and the oceans are heating up. The recent spate of strong hurricanes has given them what they believe is strong evidence of the heating of oceans.

I am not a climatologist, nor even a scientist, but I do have at least a rudmentary grasp of logic. I know that the thermal inertia of water is much, much higher than that of the atmosphere. Therefore to suggest that the atmosphere is heating the water is, to me, ludicrous (sp?). To further inconvenience the GW fanatics, only the surface of the water contacts the atmosphere. Without significant churning and upwelling, the water just below the surface will not be affected by what happens on the surface.

Again, I am no scientist, but I would guess that the thermal inertia of water is many, many times that of atmosphere, and the surface of the earth is 80% water, as I seem to recall from my 7th grade science class. Assuming all that is true, I would therefore argue that if the atmosphere is getting warmer, that either the water was getting warmer FIRST, or that the sun is warming the atmosphere, as some recent research has shown. In simpler terms, the oceans affect the atmosphere, not the other way around.


Deep divisions within the Labor Party on the nuclear power issue surfaced again yesterday when a Federal Labor MP appeared before the uranium industry arguing the case for nuclear power as a solution to climate change. Speaking at the Australian Uranium Conference in Fremantle, shadow minister for industry and resources Martin Ferguson said the debate about nuclear power had been swept under the carpet for too long. He said it was time for Australians to engage in a debate about the "strategic importance of Australia's uranium resources, not only for our nation, but for the global community, and particularly, the fast growing countries of the Asia-Pacific Partnership".

The partnership includes Australia, the United States, China, Japan, India and South Korea, and the Federal Government is working on an agreement to develop "clean" technological solutions to climate change as an alternative to Kyoto.

Mr Ferguson said Australia was the second biggest exporter of uranium in the world and with the planned expansion of the Olympic Dam in South Australia, we would become the biggest in a few years. "Whether we like it or not, Australia is undeniably part of the global nuclear cycle," he said.

Mr Ferguson said despite Labor's commitment to Kyoto, it was necessary to consider other initiatives such as nuclear power to address climate change. "We supply almost one-quarter of the world's mined uranium and export to three countries within the partnership - Japan, the United States and South Korea," he said. "It is clear that, with the likely growth in nuclear power capacity around the world, uranium will be in greater and greater demand." Labor's three mines uranium policy prohibits the expansion of uranium mining in Australia.

Opposition Leader Kim Beazley's spokesman, Colin Campbell, said while Labor supported uranium exports to China, it was against a further expansion and did not see nuclear power as the solution to climate change. "The Labor Party does not support the establishment of a nuclear power industry in Australia," he said. "But it recognises that many countries are following that (nuclear power) path."

Labor MP Peter Garrett - who has previously come out strongly against using nuclear power as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions - said Mr Ferguson's speech appeared to dismiss Kyoto. "My understanding of Labor's current policy is that Kyoto is a fundamental part of any national response to climate change and it is perplexing if it is downplayed in any discussion about energy policy," he said.

Shadow minister for the environment Anthony Albanese said Labor's view on addressing climate change was to ratify Kyoto, not to use nuclear power. "Labor's position is clear. We are opposed to a nuclear power industry. We think Australia is as far into the nuclear cycle as we want to go," Mr Albanese said.



Many people would like to be kind to others so Leftists exploit that with their nonsense about equality. Most people want a clean, green environment so Greenies exploit that by inventing all sorts of far-fetched threats to the environment. But for both, the real motive is to promote themselves as wiser and better than everyone else, truth regardless.

Global warming has taken the place of Communism as an absurdity that "liberals" will defend to the death regardless of the evidence showing its folly. Evidence never has mattered to real Leftists

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