Friday, June 17, 2005


There is so much illogic and misinformation emanating from Greenies that trying to fisk it all would be a labour of Hercules but I cannot resist noting some of the feats of self-hypnotism below. The story basically is that two Greenie disciples wanted to trek to the North Pole to "highlight" global warming. Instead it highlighted global cooling if anything. The weather was far colder and more stormy than they expected. But did that dent their faith? Not a bit of it. They said that the storms "proved" global warming -- despite the fact that the experts on the subject say that such storms are unrelated to global warming. And note the contradiction in the two passages I have highlighted in red:

"It took 2 years for polar explorers Lonnie Dupre and Eric Larsen to plan their trek across the Arctic Ocean. But once launched, it took only three weeks for it to fall apart. Amid a stretch of extraordinarily heavy snowfall, strong winds and broken and shifting ice, the two men from Grand Marais, Minn., who had hoped to become the first adventurers to cross the Arctic Ocean in summer, abandoned their expedition Thursday after advancing only 45 miles in 24 days. Conditions were so treacherous, in fact, that the men, who had hoped to make the crossing to call attention to global warming and the receding polar ice cap, couldn't be picked up and airlifted out by helicopter until Friday. "The weather conditions deteriorated so significantly that it was putting them at risk," said Jane Kochersperger, a spokeswoman for the environmental group Greenpeace, which cosponsored the expedition....

But almost from the start, the weather "was pretty chaotic," and not what they expected, said Carol Gregory, a Greenpeace spokeswoman. Heavy and consistent snowstorms and strong winds and ocean currents made for difficult travel.

Dupre also wrote that "summer has hit this region early, making travel extremely dangerous at best." He said he believed the weather extremes in the Arctic "are directly related to global warming.""

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Dr. Klaus Toepfer, executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme, remarked, "More and more, people around the world are aware that there is climate change. Nobody is questioning that any longer." And the temperature's being turned up on the United States. The European Parliament has called for trade sanctions against the United States unless it agrees to curb its carbon dioxide emissions.

Few people dispute that the Earth has warmed. But what is disputed is why it is warming, whether man is responsible, and if we should even care. Climatologist Pat Michaels of the CATO Institute stated, "Climate changes, yes, humans have something to do with this change, but climate has changed in the past without human beings having anything to do with it. There was an Ice Age, not very long ago -- 5,000 feet of ice over Chicago, and look, here we are, thriving on a planet with an ever-changing climate."

But environmentalists say it is now changing for the worse. They warn that rising sea levels, from melting in the Arctic, could submerge most of New York and turn the Washington monument into riverfront property. Michele Candotti of the World Wildlife Fund Italy said, "Glaciers are melting. Our water storage system is leaking, and is leaking dramatically." Susan Joy Hassol, the author of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment Report, remarked, "Climate change is happening now. This is not a distant problem. It is happening now in the Arctic, and the impacts are being felt now in the Arctic, and they'll be increasingly felt there and around the world."

But Michaels says before you buy a life raft, hold on. First of all, in the North Pole, that is ice that is floating in the ocean. If that melts at the end of summer, that means nothing to sea level. The South Pole, Antarctica is the largest ice mass on the planet. It is gaining ice, not losing it.

The Earth's temperature has been fluctuating since its creation. It was warmer 1,000 years ago than it is today, but then began to cool. Colonial America was gripped by the tail end of a period known as Little Ice Age, with some of the deepest snows and coldest temperatures in recorded North American history. Michaels stated, "It was cold. In Jefferson's time it was definitely colder, and Jefferson writes in his book, "Notes on the State of Virginia",`"The snow used to lie on the ground for months at a time; now it only does so for weeks or days.'"

It lasted into the 1800s, with the year 1816 known as the "year without summer." And some climate scientists today are more worried about another ice age than global warming. But they have been drowned out by a worldwide movement that has branded global-warming skeptics as evil, even comparing them to people who deny the existence of the Holocaust. At least part of the European Left's hatred of George Bush is his refusal to sign onto the Kyoto Protocol, an agreement among industrialized nations to lower their carbon dioxide emissions as a way to fight against global warming. But it is not all President Bush's fault - under President Clinton, the Senate killed the treaty 95 to nothing. But at next month's G-8 summit in Scotland, British Prime Minister Tony Blair will again be pushing President Bush to finally join the global warming fight.

Blair has declared, "I think that the Kyoto Protocol is essential. It is an essential first step, I think. We then need to build on it, and one of the parts of the debate we are pursuing with the United States is if whether there are at least areas in relation to science and technology that we can agree we need major investment in, for the future."

Michaels remarked, "The reason the U.S. is doing what it's doing is because it, unlike Europe, recognizes that the Kyoto Protocol will do nothing measurable about global warming." By one estimate, it would make a difference of only seven one-hundredths of one degree Celsius after 50 years. Michaels asserted, "Not seven-tenths of a degree. Not seven degrees. But seven one-hundredths of a degree - an amount too small too measure. The European answer to this is, "Well, at least we're doing something. Yes, they are doing something. They're wasting money that they could use to invest in the technologies of the future. And those technologies are not where their governments are putting their money right now. They're throwing it at solar energy and windmills. They have double-digit unemployment. It's been pointed out by many people that the biggest supporters of Kyoto in the industrialized world have the worst economies."

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"Despite the lack of a scientific consensus to warrant such measures, climate change alarmists - in the heat of the summer for the scariest effect - are promoting mandatory caps on carbon dioxide emissions in the USA. It's a classic case of "ready, fire, aim."

Until recently, the foundation of climate change alarmism has been the so-called hockey stick graph. The graph, constructed by Dr. Michael Mann, a professor at the University of Virginia, and shaped like a hockey stick, purports to show a link between rising temperatures and human activity.

Recent Canadian research discredited the graph because of its errors and improper methodologies. An Environment Canada statistician agreed Mann's method "preferentially produces hockey sticks when there are none in the data." Dr. Hans von Storch, a contributor to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, called it "rubbish" methodologically, and Dr. Rob van Dorland, an IPCC lead author, said the IPCC "made a mistake by only including Mann's reconstruction and not those of other researchers."

In spite of this, some still seek to solve a problem even before it has been established one exists. Two Senate bills would, like the Kyoto Protocol, cap carbon dioxide emissions. Wharton Econometrics Forecasting Associates estimates that the costs of implementing Kyoto would cost an American family of four $2,700 annually. Two international leaders once described Kyoto's intent. Margot Wallstrom, the European Union's commissioner on the environment, said Kyoto is "about leveling the playing field for big businesses worldwide," and French President Jacques Chirac called it "the first component of an authentic global governance."

MIT professor Dr. Richard Lindzen sums up the current state of affairs best: "Science, in the public arena, is commonly used as a source of authority with which to bludgeon political opponents and propagandize uninformed citizens. ... A fairer view of the science will show that there is still a vast amount of uncertainty - far more than advocates of Kyoto would like to acknowledge." Based on that uncertainty, our constituents hardly need "global governance," but they do deserve responsible governance at home."


The Green version of musical chairs: "A lot of Greens don't want to accept that they are doomsday prophets. They adamantly deny it. But since their movement burst onto the scenes in the 1960s they have been lamenting death and disaster with regular consistency. Their vision of the world is inherently catastrophic. This is why there is always such an urgency in everything they say. They never suggest that 'something must be done' but that there is time to ponder the facts and decided on the best course. Everything is 'now' and immediate. Changes must be implemented 'immediately' 'before it's too late.'"


Many people would like to be kind to others so Leftists exploit that with their nonsense about equality. Most people want a clean, green environment so Greenies exploit that by inventing all sorts of far-fetched threats to the environment. But for both, the real motive is to promote themselves as wiser and better than everyone else, truth regardless.

Global warming has taken the place of Communism as an absurdity that "liberals" will defend to the death regardless of the evidence showing its folly. Evidence never has mattered to real Leftists

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