Saturday, April 23, 2005


A group of Greenie crooks just printed their own paper certificates and sold them to dupes

But it is the carbon credits, devised for the Kyoto Accord that could be described as the biggest scam of all time that leads to the Canada Free Press lead, "We've been had". The accord may have been engineered in Kyoto, Japan but it was manufactured in sunny Costa Rica. The blueprint can be found in a May 9, 1997 Earth Council media release, First Global Environment Commodity Goes to Market. It happened at Braulio Carillo National Park, Costa Rica and was launched by former U.S. President Bill Clinton. Clinton welcomed Costa Rica's launch of "the world's first formal program to curb global warming through an international market in greenhouse gas emission reductions".

"President Clinton's remarks followed an announcement by Costa Rican President Jose Maria Figueros that his country would be introducing Certifiable Tradable Offsets (CTOs TM) to the international market. Each issued CTO TM represents the halted or reduced emission into the atmosphere of one metric ton of carbon."

Like carnival hucksters, the Earth Council and friends were selling carbon credits that were the equivalent of thin air. Proceeds from CTO TM sales would help finance Costa Rica's further efforts to preserve and regenerate its tropical forests, with the specific intent of offsetting emissions from cars, industry and the burning of forests. According to the Earth Council media release, "a portion of future sales proceeds will also go towards the development of an "Earth Centre" in Costa Rica. A project of the Earth Council, the Earth Centre will be an environmental, education, science and entertainment facility envisioned as a "gateway" to Costa Rica's national parks."

How could this possibly be when the Earth Council took flight from Costa Rica? "The carbon certificates created by the Costa Rican government and U.S. companies provide a new way to finance these investments," President Clinton said. President Figueros saw the carbon certificate scheme as the creation of "the first tradable commodity of global benefit". The CTO TM program was introduced to the market through a strategic alliance between Costa Rica's government, the U.S-based Centre Financial Products Limited and the Earth Council. "To initiate the market today, Centre Financial made the first U.S. purchase of CTOs TM in the amount of 1,000 metre tons of carbon (equaling the average carbon emissions of 900 U.S. cars," stated the Earth Council media release. The CTO TM creators said their credibility would be ensured by "an independent certificate process being developed with technical assistance from the World Bank."

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London's 'zero emission' buses

I liked the post below -- lifted from The Commons

I just noticed today that Transport for London is testing fuel cell buses on a certain route (RV1 - Covent Garden to Tower Gateway). The buses visibly advertise "zero emissions" -- right above a tailpipe which is clearly emitting something...

This emission is water vapour, as stated on the TFL website:

The only emission from the fuel cell bus is water, which forms a vapour cloud as it leaves the exhaust and enters the atmosphere.

And we all know, water vapour is one of the most potent greenhouse gases. Perhaps someone should contact the UK's Advertising Standards Agency with regard to the false claims made on these buses...


Many people would like to be kind to others so Leftists exploit that with their nonsense about equality. Most people want a clean, green environment so Greenies exploit that by inventing all sorts of far-fetched threats to the environment. But for both, the real motive is to promote themselves as wiser and better than everyone else, truth regardless.

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