Monday, November 01, 2004

Kerry's energy plan

"Sen. John Kerry's (D-Mass.) energy plan promises to reduce energy prices, maintain diversity of supply while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improve our domestic energy security. However, his goals are contradictory and implementation will be expensive. His plan would result in less energy security and higher fuel costs, says H. Sterling Burnett, a senior fellow with the National Center for Policy Analysis and research assistant Todd Gabel.

Sen. Kerry proposes steps to reduce the cost of gasoline -- while pursuing initiatives that experience has shown will raise prices.

** He proposes to reduce gasoline and other fuel prices by halting the filling of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), which is designed to provide a 90-day fuel supply in the event of a national emergency; the Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports that diverting oil from the SPR is not enough to affect prices significantly.

** He has rejected exploration and production of oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) stating that it would have little or no effect on gas prices; however, ANWR contains 10 to 23 times more oil than the SPR can hold when it is completely filled.

** He also proposes increasing ethanol use in motor fuel by five billion gallons by 2012 -- this is nearly triple the amount currently produced; but this shift would also increase fuel prices because ethanol is twice as expensive to produce as conventional gasoline.

Candidate Kerry's energy plan presents some laudable goals, but if enacted, would have the opposite of its intended effects. It would raise energy prices and reduce energy security. As such, it is a plan that no politician concerned about America's future prosperity should support, say Burnett and Gabel."


Ignorant EPA official predicts regulation of greenhouse emissions

"On the same day Vice President Cheney reminded us of the jobs saved by the Administration's brave stance in rejecting artificial restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions, another administration official yesterday pulled the rug from under his feet by suggesting such restrictions are inevitable. Those remarks by Jeff Holmstead are a slap in the face for coal miners and auto workers across the nation. Greenhouse gas restrictions will mean seniors pay more for their heat in the winter, families pay more for transportation and business owners pay more in energy costs. Not only that, but they will do virtually nothing to abate a rise in temperature which may prove beneficial anyway.

Rather than waving a white flag to the energy suppression lobby (whose former standard bearer was Enron, we should not forget), Holmstead should have focused on ways to strengthen the world economy. That way, if global warming does prove to be a problem, we will have little to worry about. We've seen how resilient America has been to four hurricanes this year. We should be trying to make the rest of the world as strong as America rather than weakening America by engaging in futile attempts to change the weather.

Holmstead's remarks are simply incompatible with the correct approach the current Administration has taken on this issue. The American economy doesn't need the poison pill he's prescribed. For the sake of American jobs, human wealth and global prosperity, Holmstead should be fired. He can no doubt look forward to a high-paying job with one of the companies that hopes to profit from impoverishing Americans through energy rationing.



Many people would like to be kind to others so Leftists exploit that with their nonsense about equality. Most people want a clean, green environment so Greenies exploit that by inventing all sorts of far-fetched threats to the environment. But for both, the real motive is to promote themselves as wiser and better than everyone else, truth regardless.

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