Saturday, October 09, 2004

Spud car: "Toyota's latest environmentally friendly concept car is made from spuds. Rear bumpers, trims and mats in the ES3 prototype hatchback are built from a plastic derived from a natural acid in sweet potatoes. The organically formed substance is perfectly biodegradable as well as being as tough as conventional materials, reports the "Daily Mirror". A spokesman for the car firm told the paper: 'It's proven science and environmentally kinder. Eco-plastic has enormous potential.' Toyotas made using potatoes are being introduced in Japan and may soon be launched in the UK."


Elite scenery threatened! Horrors! Only peasants have to bear the burdens caused by Greenie fads

"In a carefully orchestrated campaign to block the proposed Nantucket Sound wind project, a bill pending in the Senate contains a provision that would stop all such projects cold. The amendment, filed by Sen. John Warner, R-VA, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, would prevent the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from processing any permits for wind farms on the Outer Continental Shelf until Congress approves more comprehensive regulations controlling such development.

The amendment, according to Seth Kaplan, senior attorney for the Conservation Law Foundation in Boston, was tacked onto the defense authorization act, already approved by both the House and Senate, and now in conference committee before it is re-voted in both chambers and sent to President Bush for his signature. Besides Warner, another key senator serving on that conference committee is Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-MA, who strongly opposes the project....

Cape Wind Associates, of Boston and Yarmouthport, hope to build the country's first off-shore wind farm, a 130-turbine project in a 24-square mile area over Horseshoe Shoal in Nantucket Sound....

Two years ago Warner stepped into the wind farm debate here, far from his normal stomping grounds, saying that locating a wind farm in Nantucket Sound was "questionable." Besides the Cape Wind project, the Warner amendment would also deflate hopes of the Long Island Power Authority to construct its own off-shore wind farm east of Long Island's Jones Beach in the Atlantic Ocean"

More here.


"The next time you see rats roaming around public housing units in New York City, think of Attorney General Eliot Spitzer. He and a handful of his colleagues in other states are working hard to make the city's public housing safe-for rats, mice, cockroaches and other city "wildlife." Working with a collection of green activists, Spitzer and five other state attorneys general recently announced that they might sue the feds for using pesticides in public housing-poor, minority families living in vermin-infested buildings not withstanding.

The AGs claim they want to promote "integrated pest management," which just means using a variety of means to control pests-including pesticide use. But these taxpayer-funded "consumer advocates" seem more interested in their own irrational quest to eliminate chemicals.

Advocating the opposite is the National Organization of African-Americans in Housing (NOAAH)-a nonprofit consumer-advocacy group promoting healthy housing for minority groups. The organization explains on its Web site 1) that proper use of pesticides can help control health problems that plague many low-income and minority households, and 2) that Environmental Protection Agency's regulations on pesticides keep public-exposure levels so low that the risk of proper use of these products is tiny.

Cockroach infestations are a particularly serious contributor to the nation's allergy and asthma problems. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that about 6 million children suffered from asthma in 2000 and about 4 million suffered asthma attacks. According to the CDC, asthmas disproportionately affect poor, minority children living in the inner city, and cockroach-related allergies are among the most common and problematic. These kids miss school more often, have more emergency medical visits, and lose more sleep than do kids with other kinds of allergies.

Rats also are a common problem for poor, urban minority children according to Dr. Pamela Nagami, author of the new book "Bitten: True Medical Stories of Bites and Stings." Doctors in a Los Angeles Hospital, she reports, tallied the number of rat bites they treated over a three-year period and found that all the patients were either Hispanic or African-American. Nagami says that rats, which are carriers of more than 70 diseases, commonly bite the faces and hands of children under 5 years old while these kids are asleep in their homes."

More here.


Many people would like to be kind to others so Leftists exploit that with their nonsense about equality. Most people want a clean, green environment so Greenies exploit that by inventing all sorts of far-fetched threats to the environment. But for both, the real motive is to promote themselves as wiser and better than everyone else, truth regardless.

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