Friday, July 02, 2004


A confused Leftist writes:

"'It is in our interest,' the politician said last week, 'to bring the eight to 12 undocumented immigrants out of the shadows and become citizens of this great nation.'

'We have to control our immigration,' said the other politician. 'We have to limit the number of people who come to this country illegally ? . I don't like the idea of legalization because then the question is how do you prevent the next wave and the next?'

The first quote is from Republican Senator John McCain, speaking before La Raza, the Latino civil-rights group.... And the second quote? That was from Mr. Progressive himself, Ralph Nader, speaking to Pat Buchanan in an interview for Buchanan's magazine, The American Conservative."

So while the largely conservative McCain was making a gesture against a right-wing ballot measure, the supposedly progressive Nader was getting palsy-walsy with someone who is about as far to the right as you can go in American politics and still get on television. And while Nader did emphasize his disagreement with Buchanan on the level of public benefits that immigrants should receive, he conveyed, albeit in a convoluted way, that he and Pat were seeing very much eye to eye -- against amnesty for undocumented aliens, for example. This is the man who lectures the Democratic Party about its lack of principles?"

Nader once stood for the Greens and the Greens hate people. Greenies want to REDUCE the population, not increase it. So being anti-immigration is respectable policy among the Greens

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