Friday, June 25, 2004


Greenies try to pervert theology: "Recent political debates about the environment appropriate language from churches in an attempt to lend moral legitimacy to the urgent and sometimes frenzied conversation. One example is the prevalence of the term "stewardship." Legislation introduced by Senators McCain and Lieberman concerning global warming has become well-known by its popular moniker, The Climate Stewardship Act.....

Jesus tells the story of a man who goes away on a trip, and leaves his servants in charge of varying amounts of wealth. While the owner is away, the first two men double the money entrusted to them through productive activity, as each "put his money to work." The third servant, however, buries the money, so that it could be preserved and saved to be given back to the master upon his return. When the master returns, he praises the productive servants, but rebukes the servant who merely maintained his master's wealth, saying, "You wicked, lazy servant! . You should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest" (Matt. 25:26-27 NIV). Jesus uses this parable in part to illustrate the moral imperative for human beings to be productive stewards with the gifts we are given. This applies to the mandate of the created world no less than to monetary wealth or spiritual gifts....

The preservationist view of stewardship often contains biblical truth as far as it goes, but it stops short of recognizing the full witness of Scripture. Instead, it offers a truncated and inadequate view of stewardship, which can lead to destructive policies. For instance, the preservationist view sees fallen humans primarily as destructive polluters, as menaces to the rest of creation. In this way, preservationists find that environmental degradations "are signs that we are pressing against the finite limits God has set for creation. With continued population growth, these degradations will become more severe." This line of reasoning leads easily into support for various forms of population control.

By contrast, the "productive" view of stewardship does not oppose the fruitfulness and multiplication of human beings (as present in Gen. 1:28) with the interests of the rest of the created world. Only by embracing humankind's role as productive and creative stewards in all matters will we collectively hear the words of Jesus, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!" (Matt. 25:21 NIV)."

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