Wednesday, May 19, 2004


There seems to be evidence that arctic ice is melting while antarctic ice is increasing. There is a properly cautious article here that notes the melting of the arctic ice but says that nobody knows why. There is one paragraph in it which notes something very awkward for the Greenies, however:

When Arctic ice melts, it does not raise the level of the ocean, threatening coastal communities with flooding. Like an ice cube in a drinking glass, sea ice only displaces ocean water, merely changing form when it melts. By contrast, land-based ice does pose a threat to coastlines if it melts too rapidly.

So Greenie hysteria over melting arctic ice is sheer ignorance. And guess what? The biggest body of land-based ice is in the ANTarctic! So sea levels are more likely (minutely likely, however) to fall, rather than rise!

The minority of Greenies who are scientifically sophisticated will of course reply that although the arctic cannot be a problem itself, it is a SYMPTOM of warming elsewhere in the Northern hemisphere. But the biggest land-based body of ice in the Northern hemisphere is probably the Greenland icecap. So what is happening in Greenland? In June, 2002, the BBC reported that Greenland is warming up. But in March, 2003 the BBC reported that Greenland is cooling down! What a difference 9 months can make! At least the second report is based on more long-term data. When will people accept that there is nothing systematic going on there at all? Just random variations beyond our control?

For a bit of fun about Greenland ice, however, read this


Many people would like to be kind to others so Leftists exploit that with their nonsense about equality. Most people want a clean, green environment so Greenies exploit that by inventing all sorts of far-fetched threats to the environment. But for both, the real motive is to promote themselves as wiser and better than everyone else.

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