Sunday, September 05, 2004


But it is always the ordinary guy like you who pays

Tree farmer Kent Hinson says he is out on a limb when it comes to his pro-environment view. "Most foresters in general look at the environmentalists as an adversary, as a group that makes rules about how we should do our jobs," said Hinson, who owns about 200 acres of forestland near Dublin in central Georgia. "Me, I believe that foresters should be environmentalists first. I may be an odd forester, but we are both trying for the same thing."

Now that the Bush administration is planning to open roadless forests to commercial logging, more tree farmers are joining Hinson by reaching out to environmental groups to keep a glut of timber off the market.

Small farmers who have benefited from timber restrictions banning logging in the vast federal lands in the West do not stand to be awarded the massive contracts the timber, oil and gas goliaths will pursue. Instead, they fear the entry of more lumber in the logging market.

"It's bad for the environment and bad for the pocketbooks of the tree farmer," said Mark Woodall, who grows about 6,000 acres of trees near LaGrange in west Georgia.

The White House is rewriting a restriction ordered in the Clinton administration's final days that essentially protected almost 60 million acres of federal forestland from logging, mining and oil and gas development by prohibiting road construction.

More here.

Interesting email from a reader on the supposed global warming: "What do you think about the belief that any extra warming will end up causing more hurricanes and tornadoes, and dissipate itself into kinetic energy?

And what about the idea that burning fossil fuel liberates the carbon locked inside the earth to create wonderful, abundant LIFE; and that those who would like to keep it locked up can't stand to see a return to the bountiful life of previous geological periods?

Myself, I believe that if there is excess CO2 present, then rainfall in the deserts will be more likely to lock fresh water from the rains upon land, providing the necessary moisture for storms and such. I've been toying with the idea that perhaps wind currents aren't deterministic, but a result of the presence of deserts. By making the CO2, planting in the deserts, and making an effort to keep moisture from running back to the sea so quickly, we can alter the winds and perhaps change the environment for the better."


Many people would like to be kind to others so Leftists exploit that with their nonsense about equality. Most people want a clean, green environment so Greenies exploit that by inventing all sorts of far-fetched threats to the environment. But for both, the real motive is to promote themselves as wiser and better than everyone else, truth regardless.

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